Welcome to Nations Fellowship!
We are a church plant located in Fort Worth, TX that ministers to Bhutanese refugees.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:19-20
". . . Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."
". . . Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."
1 Thessalonians 2:8
There is a way that Texans can impact
world missions without having to leave the confines of the Lone Star State. As
we are called to go, to preach the good news and saving message of Christ,
teaching disciples to obey everything that He commanded, the face of missions
is changing for some. God is re-arranging the population of the earth so that
people who may not otherwise have access to the gospel are placed in homes next
to American Christians. We have to go. Sometimes all we have to go is across
the street into another culture to share the message of salvation with a family
who needs us to share our lives with them.
Refugees flood into the United States
every year. Many of these people are placed in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex.
These include people from Sudan, Nigeria, Nepal, Iraq, etc. Most of them come
from a context where they have little to no access to the gospel, and they have
very little understanding of how to function in their new American
For a picture of what life is like
for an incoming refugee and how the church can help, watch this video. It's
from a Minnesota branch of World Relief, but it gives you a good visual:
About the Ministry:
Nations Fellowship is a church plant
and evangelism effort among these families. It is headed by the Kilen family:
Kika, Anung, and their three children. They are missionaries from Nagaland,
India. Because their state is 96% evangelized, they left their home to spread
the gospel among refugees in America. Nations Fellowship is the third church
they are planting in Fort Worth. The difference with this new church; however,
is that "most of the people don't know Jesus yet," according to Kika,
the husband. The church is reaching Bhutanese immigrants with the gospel and
seeking to train leadership from among them.
To this end, they have a large meeting
on the last Sunday of every month. They eat together, give a gift of some sort
of aid (i.e.- diapers or bags of rice), and, most importantly, they share the
gospel. A group of girls meet every week with American volunteer girls to learn
the stories of the Bible. A guy's youth group meets as well. Over the past
few months, many women have given their lives to Christ. These new Christians
face some social persecution from family and friends. They teach the church not
only to receive aid, but they also give financially to help support church
planting efforts in Nepal, training them to have an outward, gospel-centered
To contact Nations Fellowship, please
e-mail nationsfellowship@gmail.com.