About Refugees

About Bhutanese Refugees in Fort Worth

Refugees are the victims of ethnic, political, or religious persecution. In the 1990s, 105,000 Bhutanese Hindus were forced out of their homes and into refugee camps in Nepal. Over the past 10 years, the United States has accepted 60,000 of these Bhutanese Nepalese refugees. Catholic Charities and World Relief has placed many families in Fort Worth. There are 30 of these families living in an apartment complex called Ladera Palms. 

These families face many challenges. They are aided by these charitable organizations, but only for about 6 months. They come with little to know knowledge of English or American culture. Imagine if you had grown up in a third-world situation and were suddenly thrown into a life here. What challenges would you face? These families need to learn not only English, but how to function using Western kitchens, appliances, road systems, emergency resources, healthcare, grocery shopping, education, etc. (For example, many do not even know to lock their doors.) This is a great opportunity to help your neighbor do what comes naturally to you. In the process, you have the opportunity to show them the love of Christ and share the gospel with them. 

Because of their refugee status, they cannot be forced out of the country, but it they do not pass a written citizenship test by 2015, they will lose all government assistance. Tutoring in English and with this test is desperately needed. Despite their immense physical needs, these lovely people's greatest need is to hear the good news of Jesus Christ for their salvation. 

It is a known fact that people in times of transition or crisis are far more open to the gospel. Studies have found that the first year after a refugee arrives is by far the biggest window of openness. We have the perfect chance to fulfill the Great Commission by going a little out of our way to invest in the lives of these people.

To learn more about the origin of Bhutanese Nepali Refugees:

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